Student Life


Grace Bible Academy holds chapel services for all of our students. For our Kindergarten thru Fifth grade, they enjoy a time of prayer, worship, and a devotion that follows loosely with their curriculum and explores Bible stories like Adam and Eve, Noah, Jonah, Moses, Joseph, and many more.

For our Middle and High School Students (6th grade thru 12th grade), students are immersed with a full worship service tailored to their needs with praise songs led by our students and a Bible study led by various members of GBA’s staff and Grace Bible Church’s pastoral staff. 

Daily Life

GBA’s vision has always been to nurture and grow children spiritually, academically, and socially to help enable them to become fully who God wants them to be. At Grace Bible Academy, you will find a loving atmosphere with experienced teachers who are accomplishing those goals. Our core curriculum is BJUPress and is used for all grades. Students experience a variety of activities to enhance learning including hands-on activities, utilizing technology, field trips, and community partnerships.


Grace Bible Academy offers athletics for grades 6th thru 12th. Currently, Grace Bible Academy is offering Girl’s Volleyball, Boy’s Basketball, and Baseball through the Kentucky Christian Athletic Assocation (KCAA). Participation in athletics requires students to not only achieve academic excellence, but also to be good representatives of Grace Bible Academy, Grace Bible Church, and most importantly, of Jesus Christ in coordination with our core school verse 2 Corinthians 5:20: “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”